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Last night lecture available now

From: Bruce G.
Sent on: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 9:53 AM

Sorry for the lack of streaming last night - technical difficulties. But it is up on our streaming service now at the link listed below.

Brian Dunning, from the podcast Skeptoid spoke last night about "Locally Grown Produce" - Today it seems that everyone is clamoring for the latest trendy food label - whether it's organic, gluten free, or all natural. Locally grown produce is as hot as any other market segment, but do its proponents understand that much of what they advocate is actually accomplishing the exact opposite of what they think?

Click here, or copy and paste this URL into your Browser:

We are also doing a taste test before the meeting between organic and non-organic foods with the results to be announced after the meeting.

Check out other free lectures under the tab "Streaming Video". Please feel free to donate any amount HERE (even if it's only a dollar).  Your contributions are appreciated!

Bruce Gleason

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