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New Meetup: Why not do all-in-one (museum+concert+hike) for one seating?

From: erika
Sent on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 10:47 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Classical Music Society!

What: Why not do all-in-one (museum+concert+hike) for one seating?

When: Saturday, May 1,[masked]:00 PM

Legion Of Honor Museum
34th Avenue & Clement Lincoln Park
San Francisco, CA 94121

Hi there,
My name is erika, and I am organizing a meetup on Sat(5/1) @ the Legion... back again for another blast yay!!Here comes the detail.

When & what:

1p: Docent tour @ the museum (Rodin & European sculptures)

2-4:30p: Concert (Stanford woodwind ensemble playing Bach, Telemann & more; tix via Avedis Chamber Music Series but purchase@ the door seems the best since NO SURCHARGE!)

4:30-?: Mini-hike around the Legion (the Lands End trail runs below the golf course @ the Lincoln Park; 2 mi roundtrip; brisk moderate hike; SPECTACULAR view right across from Marin Headlands & of course the GG Bridge ahead of us!)

Afterward: Optional hangout for a coffee/lite dinner in Richmond district (No need to worry where to go... cheap & plentiful everywhere!) So, let's play by ear.

What to prep:

No fancy hiking gear needed on this hike; Just get yourself a pair of comfy shoes for walk (I think even Dansko will do!); [b]extra jacket/windbreaker (Most likely it will be windy since facing the ocean); Oh ladies, if you are planning on wearing a dress/skirt for concert bring an extra pants; Optional water bottle if you think you'll get thirsty.

I think it will be fun getting to do all-in-one under one price! Yeah, a tix to the concert will cover all. I think price ranges from$10-15. Please check online. Hopefully many of you can make it to this event.


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