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From: Patrick H.
Sent on: Sunday, March 14, 2010, 1:23 PM
Hey folks,

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone, and I hope to actually see you at a meeting soon. Next Saturday the 20th, we will go from 1pm until late, so feel free to come out for all of the day or part of it.

We will make some Mexican food, Chili, and order pizza for dinner, for those people interested in a free and tasty meal :)

I know sometimes it can be a bit intimidating going somewhere new, with a new group of people, but just come out, relax and have some fun. If you're worried about not knowing anyone, don't be, as we're a new group. If you're worried about not knowing any of the new games, don't be. We have a lot of games in our collection, and love to teach the games so people can learn what they're about and join the hobby.

We are all about the fun, so come on out and enjoy yourself!


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