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Re: [cooking-382] RSVP Etiquette - Looking For a Solution

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 9:36 AM
Tricia I appreciate your comments and it was addressed to me for sure my plans changed because of an emergency at a ER
I would of be happy to pay the 10 dollars for that inconvenience to the host  so I would agree it there is a fee and it is a limited event have them pay 
I was so unhappy not to attend as it looked like a wonderful event  I also would be happy to hold a wine tasting event in my home 
so I see your concerns and YES I would vote that they would owe 24 or more hours prior to the event  So I am sorry that I was ONE of those that cancelled that morning but I was in the ER with a friend so if you would like to chat please call me 
and If you would like me to pay the 10 dollars for me not giving a 24 hrs notice but a notice that morning I would gladly do that.
My appreciation and mahalo Deborah 

Sending you my warmest ALOHA
 Picture [masked]   cell and home phone           




On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Tricia Jumonville <[address removed]> wrote:

Unfortunately, on  Meetup, there seems to be a widespread lapse in courtesy as far as RSVP's are concerned.  It's a known problem that people will RSVP Yes, not change their RSVP if plans change, and just not show up.  This is unfair to the Meetup  host and the Meetup organizer, as well as being just plain bad manners.  This is especially a problem in Meetups involving food, where reservations have been made and a waiter's table is being kept from other use (cutting into their tips) or where the Meetup host has made arrangements for a certain number of people and if a potluck where fellow Meetup members have gone to the trouble to plan, shop, and cook for people who said they'd be there. (To be clear, changing your RSVP more than 24 hours in advance of the Meetup is perfectly fine because it allowed your host and fellow members to take that into consideration when shopping and cooking.  Also, a medical excuse or a car not starting are valid excuses for a shorter RSVP change.)

We've also had occasions in past where there was a wait list and the person who didn't change their RSVP (or waited until the last minute until changing it) kept someone who really would attend from being able to do so by taking their space.

An example of this occurred this past weekend.  For the Moroccan Potluck, there were 20 people still RSVP'd Yes at the time of the Meetup.  (Others had changed their RSVP in advance.)  Four, including the host and her husband, attended.  The hostess had to drive an hour to the venue to open it up and prepare for the 20 people who were supposedly coming and bringing food.  This is not good.

For a while in years past we charged an RSVP fee, paid online and returned if you actually showed up, added to the waiter's tip or given to the host for their trouble if you didn't.  We got away from that as we've had other Event Hosts organizing the meetups, but as a result the problem returned.

I'm considering bringing back the fee, but first I'm throwing this out there for suggestions from the members as to what would make you take your RSVP seriously enough to actually change it if your plans change.  What would motivate you?  I'll consider all suggestions.

Tricia Jumonville, Chief Cook & Bottle Washer

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