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New Meetup: Chinatown Discovery Tour and Wing Luke Museum

From: Claudette
Sent on: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 11:16 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Discover Seattle Activity Group!

What: Chinatown Discovery Tour and Wing Luke Museum

When: Saturday, November 13,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Wing Luke Asian Museum
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104

Come join us for a 90-minute Chinatown Discovery Tour from the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience. Our tour also includes a brief sit-down presentation, as well as gallery admission to The Wing Museum exhibits.

The 90-minute stroll through Seattle?s micro-China starts at the Chinatown-International District museum. A friendly and engaging guide leads tours through authentic Asian markets, whirling with bustling merchants, brightly colored goods, and savory smells of incense or freshly roasted duck. As we learn the history and significance of historical landmarks, the diverse languages of the city's Asian community comingle melodiously in the air, and the spirit of a 7,000-year-old culture flits through the incomparable Seattle neighborhood like a flutterbug in a bag of cotton balls.

If you purchased your ticket via the Groupon deal: email [address removed] to reserve your time for the Chinatown Discovery Tour - must schedule 48 hours in advance, so by 11/12 .

If you didn't purchase your ticket via Groupon: you can purchase your tickets via Chinatown Discovery Tours.

Either way, tell them that you are with the Meetup Group for the 1pm tour. Please arrive 15 min early to check in. After the tour, we can explore the museum and go from there.

Cross-posting on Chinese Language & Culture Meetup, Seattle Culture Vultures, Discover Seattle Activity Group.

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