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New Meetup: Stone Temple Pilots ~One Night Only Concert!~ (self-hosted)

From: Claudette
Sent on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 2:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Discover Seattle Activity Group!

What: Stone Temple Pilots ~One Night Only Concert!~ (self-hosted)

When: Wednesday, November 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Showare Center
625 W. James St. (located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and W. James Street)
Kent, WA 98032

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Stone Temple Pilots, performing one night only at the Showare Center on November 3 (doors at 7:30 p.m.). I've seen them in concert at the Gorge when the fist came on the scene and I so wish I could go tonight, but singing myself at this same time. Please use comments to coordinate meeting up with others at the concert, carpooling and/or meeting for dinner. If you want to host and have people look for you, let me know - most of the work has been done for you. ;)

Named number 40 on VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock, Grammy-winning Stone Temple Pilots has 16 top-ten singles in the Billboard 100, including seven number-one songs. Jams like Interstate Love Song, Plush, Sour Girl, Wicked Garden, and Creep are bound to take you back to the '90s. Critics offer strong reviews for their current self-titled album, 'Stone Temple Pilots'. Grab yourself some tickets for what's destined to be a Wonderful evening.

The general public pays $49 per ticket, but LivingSocial has reserved 1,000 spots (500 general admission floor and 500 reserved seating) at $24 each, so it won't cost you a Pretty Penny either (you can snatch up to ten).

Get your half off tickets by 5am tomorrow, if it doesn?t sell out before then.

New to Living Social? BONUS!!! Sign up via this link: and get $5 off your first deal! FYI: Will need to enter email to sign up to get info and purchase this discounted ticket.

This is a multi-Meetup event. There will be more people attending than what's showing in the RSVPs. Guests are welcomed and feel free to cross-post. The more the merrier!

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