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New Meetup: Friday Night Ride: NoHo To Apple Pan in West LA

From: NoHo M.
Sent on: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 1:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Los Angeles Scooter Meetup Group!

What: Friday Night Ride: NoHo To Apple Pan in West LA

When: Friday, September 10,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Yet another Friday night ride to an iconic LA restaurant. The Apple Pan has been making LA's best burgers and pies since 1947. The owners have kept it exactly as it has been since it opened. It's so old school, they don't even have a website. There is an unofficial Apple Pan website. though. You also might want to check out Huell Howser's special on Apple Pan, but it will make you hungry. They only take cash, but there is a Wells Fargo with ATM next door. I used to be a regular back in high school when I worked across the street at the Westside Pavillion mall. I reccomend the "Hickoryburger", with their secret hickory sauce.

We will meet at NoHo Scooters at 7 PM and the ride leaves at 7:30. Be sure to gas up before the ride.

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