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Thanks to LASG Members!

From: Eric
Sent on: Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 7:36 PM

Dear scootersists,

Thanks to the support and generosity of our LASG members, we've been able to purchase the much-needed communications headsets to enable us to better run our rides and organize more large rides.

We received donations from not just our frequent riders, but many who ride with us only occasionally, at least one who has yet to join us on a ride and some of our awesome scooter pals in San Diego. The level of support for the group was truly humbling and means a lot to us. We'll endeavor to continue to have a scooter group worthy of your contributions.

Thanks to our ability to have larger rides, we're seeing a huge increase in the number of members participating in the group. This year, we will likely double participation from past years.

As we mentioned in our original email, we'll continue to accept donations to fund some other group initiatives and will continue to track income and expenses on the site:

Meanwhile, we have a lot of riding planned for the next several months. It's going to be a great summer for scootering.

A deep and hearty thanks to you all,

Eric, Skootz Kabootz (aka Justin) and Mike