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Pick Up Rides!

From: Eric
Sent on: Sunday, October 14, 2012, 4:52 PM

Hello, scooterists!

I learned today that many of our members are unaware of our Discussion Boards, and, in particular, the Pick Up Rides section. This is where members can connect with each other for casual rides and gatherings. These also include some rides that may not be suitable for the group, such as those which include freeway riding.

Check out the Pick Up rides here:
Please read the brief "READ ME FIRST" post before posting a new ride.

We have other sections in our Discussions section as well, from a For Sale/Wanted board to General Discussions for scooter chat, questions and so on. There's also a place to suggest ride ideas.

We'll be posting new rides soon, just nailing down dates.

Thanks and ride safe!
