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The London Java Community - Developer Sessions - Tomorrow Evening

From: Barry C.
Sent on: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:32 PM

Hi All,

Just a reminder about next Tuesdays social event. For those that haven't been to one of our 'Developer Sessions' events it is basically just a group of developers in a pub. It's an informal event and a great chance to meet other interesting developers working in London on cool projects - it's a good chance to find out what else is going on in London. Here is a link to the event:

We also open the event up to under graduate software developers as a chance for them to find out a little more about what the development industry is like in London so if you are happy to come away and give some advice then please do.

We have a variety of first timers and regular offenders. If it's your first time or you're new to London feel free to grab one of us and we'll introduce you around.

Looking forward to seeing you.


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