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AW: [ljc] Challenges of Managing Virtual/ Remote Software Teams

From: Peter S.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 11:04 AM


Managing remote software teams is very challenging and not really productive from my experience. We have done this in my company for 6 month (Germany, UK) with the following tools:

1.       Skype and Teamviewer (for screensharing), furthermore telephone conferencing through Talkyoo always depending on the task.

2.       We had someone only dedicated to managing the team (organizing jour fixes,...).

3.       We had daily, small jour fixes (not more than 15 minutes) to update each other.

4.       We had a weekly longer jour fixe (up to 1 hour) to discuss problems and how to further proceed.

5.       We were using Confluence, JIRA, Greenhopper and Bitbucket (all Atlassian) to share knowledge/code/etc. and manage sprints/kanban boards

That is what I remember so far. To say it also again, remote teams are not as productive as if you are all in one place. Furthermore it is more expensive (tools, travelling...) and the development process itself is very slow (more bugs, more fixes due to miscommunication etc.).




Von: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] Im Auftrag von @sleepyfox
Gesendet: Montag, 29. April[masked]:51
An: ljc
-[address removed]
Betreff: Re: [ljc] Challenges of Managing Virtual/ Remote Software Teams


You can't.


On 29 Apr[masked]:39, "alexander sharma" <[address removed]> wrote:



I wanted to ask what your thoughts are on managing virtual/remote software teams and what the best way is to manage virtual teams (use of tools screensharing etc).


Thank you

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