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Fwd: Aimar Foundation - volunteers needed for install day (18th December)

From: Martijn V.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 12:31 PM
Hi all,

Crisis at Xmas is still looking for volunteers to help out with the installation and tear down of the various sites.  Here's the details from the Aimar Foundation:



On volunteering, we are looking for specific help on the 18th and 30th December for install and decoration of the sites. We estimate this will be a half day out of the office and we would love to have some volunteers!

The Aimar Foundation, a not for profit technology charity has been supporting Crisis and their flagship programme ‘Crisis at Christmas’  for several years. Crisis is a national charity for single homeless people and their Christmas campaign provides food, companionship, accommodation and access to medical and advice services at a critical time of the year. The Aimar Foundation provides technology support for the Crisis admin staff and  implementing Internet Café’s for the guests.

If you would like to volunteer your time to help with the technology install and decommission of the temporary sites for Crisis at Christmas you can find more details here, with a QRC and specific details found here


If you would like more details on Crisis and their Christmas campaign click here




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