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Hungarian Meetup: Let's have some caffe and chat...

From: Nanda D.
Sent on: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Los Angeles Hungarian Language Meetup Group!

What: Let's have some caffe and chat...

When: July 21,[masked]:00 PM

Cafe Bello
1912 Broadway St
Santa Monica, CA 90404


Mivel mindig azt hallom, hogy nincsenek a nyugati oldalon osszejovetelek, kivansagotok parancs! :)
Aniko es Robi meselt egy kis magyar-tulajdonu olasz kavezorol, ahol madartej izu forro (?csokit?) is lehet kapni... Jol hangzik, nem? Probaljuk ki!

Hi All!

Since many of you have complained that we do not have events on the westside, your wish is my command! :) Aniko and Robi told me about a little Hungarian-owned Italan cafe, where you can buy a hot chocolate-like drink that resembles the Hungarian dessert "madartej," which means "bird's milk" in English, and tastes like heaven... So we should try it! Let's see this place for drinks and some chit-chat! :)

Learn more here: