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New Spiritual Meetup Groups to check out

From: MaryLou
Sent on: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 12:55 PM

Hello people,

I added two meetup groups under my account so you are probably scratching your heads why I will do that. I have a mission statement to avoid being commercial as much as possible. The other part of my mission is to not have any one person dominate the direction of the meetup group.  I like a flow where we see that everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student.

At the same time, I do want to encourage the teachers like David Redbord to teach and the business people like Sid to do what they do best.  Therefore we made two new groups:

The Metaphysical Resource Center

and New Orleans Spiritual Development Group.

Click on their links and follow them.


If you like our group you will like these as well.

You will see my face as the sponsor of their pages but believe me......these are THEIR groups and I hope it goes well for them as the leaders. We are all doing the SAME thing in a different way and it is all good !  Hopefully they will both continue to work with our meetup group too.

So please check out the links above and hopefully join those groups too!

Best Wishes,

Mary Lou