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Promocode for: Join us for the Employer Branding Conference in NYC on 5/7

From: Ernie F.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 8:59 PM

Sorry for double email. Here is the promo code: NYRECMEETUP (enter this code above the Order Now button on the registration page.)

Register today and save $300 as a member!

Join fellow NY Recruiting Meetup members and other talent acquisition pros at the Universum 2014 Employer Branding Conference in New York City on May 7!

You'll hear from thought leaders at top organizations like EY, American Express, Grant Thornton, and more.

The Employer Branding Conference is the only event of its kind. In addition to networking with peers, attendees will learn best-in-class strategies from industry thought leaders and will walk away with actionable insights to improve their effectiveness across each stage of building and executing a strong employer brand.

Register today and save $300 as a member!

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