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NERD FUN: assistant organizers

From: Heather
Sent on: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 2:19 PM
Nerd Fun - Boston

Hi everyone,

If you've thought about running events yourself send me a note and I can make you an assistant organizer.

The more people we have running one or two events a month the more fun everyone has. It's pretty easy, everyone's really nice, doesn't cost anything for the assistant organizers. (I pay group costs myself and people gimme a buck here and there. I figure the group cost is worth it, we've got such a great group of people doing such interesting stuff, it's fantastic)

... anywho... TJ can't do it all :) and I can only run 1 or 2 events a month with my schedule.

volunteer organizers would be greatly appreciated and you'll have a blast...


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