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What's happening this weekend

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 6, 2012, 4:52 PM

Tomorrow night (Friday)

 there are just two spots left for the ever popular night photography shoot in Boston.  We will meet at,  and stay relatively close to South Station and if there is rain we will find shelter from whcih to continue shooting. With a handout filled with facts and Ian's expert help and advice this is a not to be missed opportunity to experience night photography in a small group.  Just $35

Check it out at: 

Sunday  A headshot Masterclass

I will be hosting a Headshot Masterclass for those who wish to tackle this challenging but highly profitable side of portraiture.  With over 40 years of portraiture and studio experience I will walk you through through the many aspects of the headshot business: from finding and handling clients, setting up your equipment to knowing which lighting set-ups work best for each client.

Throughgout the day I will keep a focus on how you can make money,  produce, and more importantly sell, images that will  enhance your reputation as a photographer. There is a strict limit of just 6 spaces  for this small and intense class.  Running from 10am until 7pm this is a very full day and is amazing vlaue at just $125 .

Check it out at


If you can't make it this weekend look out for the exciting SMOKE and MIRRORS portrait shoot next weekend.  Running on Saturday from 1pm until 5pm in the studio I will be setting up a shoot using mirrors and a smoke machine (the water-based non toxic kind regularly used by musicians on stage).  The class is limited to just four participants and all equipment except your camera and memory cards will be supplied. It is a great opportunity to get some unique looking images for your portfolio.  Just $145 for the fiour hour shoot. There are just three spots left.  Check it out at:


Best Regards

Ian Murray




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