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Invitation: Four Workshops this weekend!

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 8:52 PM
Coming right up this weekend are four workshops which cover a wide range of  photographic techniques and skills. 

Friday Night - we head to Boston for one of our Night Photography Workshops  which will provide you with a solid foundation in this challenging but fun subject. As always it's a small group workshop that will give you lots of opportunity for individual attention.    No experience necessary. 

Saturday - Successful Event Photography
 if you ever have to photograph an event or wedding you will wish you had attended this workshop! With over four decades of event and wedding photography experience, Ian will provide you with proven techniques and will share the tips and tricks that have made his success.  It's  for those who have been asked by friends and family to photograph an event and more specifically for anyone looking to earn money by photographing events. 

Sunday - New York and Back.  The second chance this year to join a very small group of participants (no more than five) for a full day guided workshop to New York City, where Ian will walk you through a great mix of landmarks and lesser known photogenic parts of this amazing city.  The price includes transport to and from MA (meeting in Weymouth at 6am). 

Monday - How to master Lightroom
we begin a series of Monday evening sessions on using Lightroom.
Ian will teach you how to use it like a pro. 

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