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BoB News, Schedule Updates

From: Paul J.
Sent on: Thursday, May 19, 2016, 11:17 AM

Yo BoBers!

As the days lengthen, I'm starting a couple of my rides a little later so that more of you can make it from work. The Kinder, Gentler Hills of Helvetia moves to 5:30 for as long as daylight permits, and the West Side Social Ride will move to 6:00.

Yay, New Ride Leaders!

(Want to be a ride leader? Let's talk.)

Jerry McCorkle is leading a Bridge of the Gods Century this weekend, and will be posting other events as the spirit moves him. His rides may tend to be on the long and fast side, but as with any of our rides, the posting will tell the story.

Mike Reeves is leading a training series from the Ridgefield area. It's great riding up there, worth a drive, and if you're already in the area, well, what are you waiting for?

Tom Kielty has posted a Council Crest area hill ride series that will be moderately paced and shady, so now you know where to go when it's hot out there.

Luis Machado is not a new ride leader, but with his Fear No Hills series out of Helvetia, he's back in action with a hill-climbing training ride in Bicycle Heaven.


Safety and Technique Notes

Polite riding is safe riding, especially when passing. Give that slower rider plenty of room and be sure they know you're there, especially if you're passing on the right. (Yes, I think there are times when that's OK.) Call out early and loud and friendly, surprises are dangerous! Enough of you have heard  my rant on the poor manners and dangerous riding at the big group rides, so I'll leave it at that and say let's not be that guy. (Yeah, it's almost always a guy.)

Group Descending. I recently watched a gang of us fly down Rocky Point and it kinda scared me.  Not all of us are comfortable with fast descending. If that's you, let the crazies start down the hill first. If you're one of the crazies, please remember that a high speed crash can can break bones and heads and KILL people. Pass with extreme caution and remember that if you cross the yellow line you may well get hit by uphill traffic. And finally, go single file. We don't have pro skills or motivations. Get down the hill in one piece and live to climb again! Oh yeah,(for the umpteenth time): descend in the drops!

Shameless Commerce!

Insulated Water Bottles with drip-proof caps in M Realty Orange will be available for sale at $5 each in about three weeks. These cost upwards of $12 at the bike shops and they don't even have my logo on them!

My real estate practice allows me to support and lead this group. Your business, referrals and questions are always welcome.

Have fun out there and keep the rubber side down!

Paul Johnston, Organizer

NW Butts on Bikes


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