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New Meetup: Train to walk the SA 1/2 marathon

From: user 3.
Sent on: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 9:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Antonio Hiking & Outdoors Meetup Group!

What: Train to walk the SA 1/2 marathon

When: July 26,[masked]:00 PM

O.P. Schnabel Park
9606 Bandera Rd
San Antonio, TX 78250

This is a walking group to train for walking the San Antonio Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon. The San Antonio 1/2 marathon is 13.1 miles and it's best to start training for it well in advance. It's not until November so we are getting started with plenty of time!

I have read that walking about 3 miles every other day during the week and then building your endurance with gradually increasing longer walks on the weekends is a good schedule to follow when training for a 1/2 marathon. It may be ok to walk more during the week if you are already used to it but that is up to each individual to decide. For more information: http://walking.about....
For more information on a 1/2 marathon walk training schedule: http://walking.about.....

Please be aware that the goal of this group is to set a very brisk pace. I walk a 15 minute mile and my goal is to walk the SA 1/2 at that pace. If you prefer to walk a slower pace, that is fine but please make sure you know the route because I will not wait for you. I plan to increase our distance gradually so that we will reach 13 miles by the beginning of November, which is about 15 weeks from now. We will meet at OP Schnabel at 7pm and we will walk 4 miles again.

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