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New Meetup: Study Chinese (Mandarin) Language

From: Claire Y.
Sent on: Friday, January 29, 2010, 11:58 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group!

What: Study Chinese (Mandarin) Language

When: Thursday, February 4,[masked]:30 PM

Tea N More
7380 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92111

Are you interested in learning Chinese language and improve your Chinese speaking skills?

Come to our Chinese Language meetup to study, where you can learn more about Chinese culture, customs, foods, and to make some new friends. If you are attending school taking Chinese class, feel free to bring your textbooks to study/practice with our fellow group members.

We welcome levels of Chinese speakers, whether you are a beginner or a native speaker. Feel free to join us and enjoy great conversations in Chinese/English!!

We also try to have conversation subjects picked specifically for every meeting. Hopefully these conversations can help you to improve your Chinese language skills.

Have any ideas or suggestions for the meetups? Please feel free to shout them out. We would want to hear from you!!

See you at the Meetup !!!

Ps: we have a facebook fan page, "The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group."
Feel free to become one of the fans :)

Learn more here:

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