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New Meetup: The Fish Bite Back (Piranha 3D)

From: Carl W.
Sent on: Friday, September 3, 2010, 3:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle/Eastside Movies and Stuff!

What: The Fish Bite Back (Piranha 3D)

When: Friday, September 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Lincoln Square Cinemas
700 Bellevue Way NE Third Floor
Bellevue, WA 98004

Time for some fish biting action of the classic 1978's Piranha. It scrores 74% on rotten tomatoes so should be at least enjoyable to watch.

I have never seen the original but was told it was a good film for the 70's

As it's a late showing we will meet up at TapHouse beforehand say 7:30pm onwards, unfortuantely no happy hour at this time... Then we can stroll over to Lincoln Square in good time for the movie.

I'll try and grab a table in case of numbers so just ask for the meetup table.

Alternatively if you want to meet at the cinema then I'll be waiting in the lobby area at 9pm

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