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New Meetup: Machete

From: Will
Sent on: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 1:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle/Eastside Movies and Stuff!

What: Machete

When: Friday, September 10,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Lincoln Square Cinemas
700 Bellevue Way NE Third Floor
Bellevue, WA 98004

A few people have voted for this, and bizarrely enough it's one of the best review movies playing. WTF - this and killer fish? So while the b-movie/action cheese has been spreading a little thick lately, I sure as hell will go for a solid b-movie than the spiritual materialism snoozefest of an "eat pray love" while I cross my fingers or some movies like "The Town" being good. But for now, bring on the Harley-mounted minigun!

Showtime estimated for 7:55 PM. Will confirm when posted.

I will meet people outside the doors beside the box office beforehand and we can head in 15+ minutes before for seating.

Afterward we can get some food/drinks, most likely at the Taphouse (other suggestions taken though no guarantees).

*** Please remember that weekend evenings often times Lincoln Square can get crowded and leave time for finding parking and getting in. If you want to be extra safe tickets are available online. You can also park at Bellevue Place or at the Galleria (where we usually go afterward).

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