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Reminder: Greywater 101 - Register Now!

From: Kimberly L.
Sent on: Sunday, July 26, 2015, 9:29 AM


The Permaculture Education Collective at the Beacon Food Forest is happy to announce the next class in our program, providing classes which teach our community skills, ignite the desire to engage, and inspire care for the earth and community.

Saturday, August 8th, 10 am – 12:00 pm – Greywater 101

Taught by Patrick Loderhose,

Fee: $25

Held at the Beacon Food Forest, Seattle (at 16th Ave S and S Dakota Street)

Greywater, water from sinks, showers, and washing machines, is a great source of irrigation and can greatly reduce your outdoor water use. Greywater systems are especially important in times of drought. Come learn about popular greywater systems, design considerations, water saving potential, costs, regulations, health and safety, soaps and products, and how to choose a system that is a good match for your home and landscape.

About the Educator: Patrick Loderhose is a level 3 California trained greywater installer and designer. He has a background in Permaculture and teaches it professionally. Patrick also works as an on-site water management strategist and rainwater harvesting installer/designer.

Sign up at Brown Paper tickets  -

Questions? - Contact the Instructor, Patrick Loderhose - [address removed]

Stay tuned for more classes in permaculture, ecological living, homesteading, earth repair, and holistic community resilience!

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