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Updated Meetup: Churrascaria Happy Hour and Bate-Papo Conversation - Pampas

From: Spencer Y
Sent on: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 10:00 PM
Announcing an Updated Meetup for South Bay *Brazilian* Portuguese Conversation and Culture!

What: Churrascaria Happy Hour and Bate-Papo Conversation - Pampas

When: Friday, December 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Pampas
529 Alma Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Pampas is a Churrascarria which is to say a Brazilian steak house serving barbecued meats presented on mobile carts. Instead of going for the full Rodizio Dinner which costs $44, I thought we could try out the 5pm-7pm Happy Hour special which is 50% off the bar menu and $5 cocktails. We can get a few platters of the Mixed Grill from the Rodizio for $14 each (50%off) plus whatever else people are interested in. Pampas is purportedly one of the better Churrascarrias in the Bay Area. Restaurant. Yelp Review. Lounge Menu.

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