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New Meetup: Forró at Senzala - Saturday 12/11

From: Spencer Y
Sent on: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 12:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for South Bay *Brazilian* Portuguese Conversation and Culture!

What: Forró at Senzala - Saturday 12/11

When: Saturday, December 11,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Senzala Brazilian Restaurant
250 E. Java Dr.
Sunnyvale , CA 94089

From Marcia:

It has been a long time we do not have Forro at the south bay. Forro Brazuca will be playing at Senzala, they now have new people at the bar, and should stay open until later. For the ones who do not know forro, forro is a country music, good for dancing, and easy to learn. Let's support the group, so we get more Brazilian music in the south bay. -Marcia

$10 cover

Senzala Events
Forró Brazuca

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