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A Special Cause

From: John Z.
Sent on: Thursday, August 14, 2014, 3:58 PM

I have a friend. I've only know him through the internet, but we have been friends now for 4 years. This year he was finally diagnosed with ALS. On October 18 there will be a Walk to Defeat ALS held in Allentown.

I hate to hijack our group for this so I am asking if folks think this is an event that we, as a group would like to do. We would be a team, get our own sponsors, a go have a hike. Its 2 miles. I am definitely going no matter what. It will be good training while doing a good thing.

If two others will join me in this, I'll set it up as an offical SEPA event and get the team established. is the link for the event.

Thanks folks!


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