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What we’re about

Sanctuary Strength is about finding safety and strength inside yourself. Finding the best version of yourself through faith, health, finances, friendships, and fun. We are not a religion or traditional "spiritual" group. We believe in real and measurable growth and development that leads to a happier healthier life - which will lead to a happier healthier community.

We gather with specific purposes: to heal and develop our minds through meditation and prayer (Saturdays); to improve our movement through strength, conditioning and mobility training (throughout the week and Sunday); and various personal coaching and training opportunities. We're here to help you live fully!

Sanctuary gatherings are held in a beautiful historic Temple with amazing architecture and the perfect atmosphere to simply - BE πŸ™

Regain control of your life as we learn and re-learn the EXERCISE of quieting the thoughts and developing a deeper awareness for what is real and beneficial to our lives.

Regain control of your health by learning the fundamentals of movement and nutrition.

This is a new group with a simple purpose - opening the door for friendship and good company while enjoying some of the most basic aspects of life - movement, mindfulness, and a little bit of struggle (our workouts can be tough!) We do group workouts that are designed to focus on your mental peace, full range of motion and mobility, and strengthening each muscle in the body.

Sanctuary and Strength come from within! πŸ™

Connect with me on Instagram for insights into my daily development routines and just random fun stuff :)
James Santiago (@sanctuarystrength) | Instagram

NOTE: This is not a business. And although our sessions are held in a BEAUTIFUL historic sanctuary, this is not a church or religious function. That doesn't mean the atmosphere and feeling of accomplishment in bettering yourself and your life won't feel spiritual. Because Sanctuary begins with you. And Sanctuary is divine!

Note: Workouts are held in the Gymnasium and weekly Meditation/Prayer is held in the Temple. Sanctuary is a state of being and is open to all faiths and/or no faith. Aligning your life with universal principles and becoming the best version of yourself is divine πŸŒΈπŸ™

Our sessions do not have an entry fee, however, we do accept donations if you want to support the Sanctuary itself. Many thanks!