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Tonight's talk and news from Dr. T

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 7:36 AM
If you can't make the potluck on Friday, you might want to see Dr T at SmartLife Forum tonight. It will be an inspiring talk we highly recommend.

Dr T is involved in a lot of Eco adventures.
Below is some news from Dr T's newsletter:

Three Weeks, Two South Asian Countries, One trip of a Lifetime!" A pristine tropical beach on the Indian Ocean with kayaks, young coconuts, and group activities... a Himalayan trek with magnificent views to the Roof Of The World and delicious vegan food... rafting down a famous Nepali tributary of the Ganges River... You will see many amazing things, learn a lot about the world, gain crucial health insights (and vitamin D), and have more fun than you though was possible, if you join this adventure with Dr. T as your guide! Your winter will shrink dramatically as you prepare mentally for this trip, and you will spend it getting in shape, with Dr. T's help! To Read More, go (URGENTLY, as the next 12 applicants will seal the list) to

Functional Medicine - is not "just another branch of medicine" - it is relatively new, and is often misunderstood. This is not good, especially when doctors decide to "dabble" at it, making claims and clinical decisions that are not based on the scientific principles and pure intentions that have created Functional Medicine in the first place... Dr. T's new article sets the record straight and gives a clear explanation of what this Medicine of The future is all about, in the first of a series of articles about the current strengths and weaknesses of functional medicine and its practitioners. To read more, go to

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