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Let's Get MovingSUGG Kazoo Walkers/Hikers!

From: Bobbi J.
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2015, 7:50 AM
What!!! No time to walk.  It only takes minutes a day to make a difference. 
Here’s an article with more information:

“Exercise buys you three to seven additional years of life. It is an antidepressant, it improves cognitive function and there is now evidence that it may retard the onset of dementia.”

The advice from experts is that everyone should do at least 20 minutes of walking or jogging a day, given the sedentary lifestyles and changes in diet that have contributed to high death rates from heart disease. Exercise can also improve brain functioning.

Exercise brings benefits at whatever age the person starts. People who start exercising at the age of 70 are less likely to go on to develop a condition that leads to irregular or racing heart rates in 10 per cent of people aged over 80.

What!!!  No place to walk!!!  There are now paved trails on the east, west, south and northside of Kalamazoo.  In addition, there are many other locations for those who favor hiking and the challenge of footpaths (dirt trails).  Contact me if you are having a hard time finding a location or event; perhaps I can help.
Our community has offered throughout the fair weather months 30-40 walking events each month.  So retired baby boomers, and those who work part-time and evenings, let’s get moving.
For our people who are not  available on weekdays consider finding a walking space near home or work.  If you want to find a walking partner attend a few of the evening or weekend walks to connect with others.
Perhaps you can meet someone who is interested in walking at the same time of day and same side of town as you.  Also, consider walking near work before you head home or close to home as it appears that once
you get home you are not inspired to walk.  So put those walking shoes in your car so they are always available like you do with your shopping bags, bowling ball and golf clubs.
In September there are nine walking events in the evening and on the weekend listed on our Kazoo Walkers and Hikers calendar.  Check them out in advance and post them to your calendar.
If there is nothing of interest on our meetup calendar, consider leading your own walk at your favorite location, day and time.    Just go to and SUGGEST  a walk.  I will help you to promote it to our meetup members.
Hoping to see you on the trail!
Bobbi Jo

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