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New Meetup: Actual Sewing - Just Us

From: Margaret
Sent on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 8:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle American Sewing Guild Meetup Group!

What: Actual Sewing - Just Us

When: Saturday, June 5,[masked]:00 PM

Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
2230 4th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134

Here's another chance to work on a project in good company. Just members from this group are welcome to meet, sew, kibbitz and nosh (if anyone brings enough to share). If there is something you have a burning desire to learn, post that in your response and let's see if we can get started on it.

Otherwise, bring a project that you're just beginning, in the middle of, or not quite finished with yet, and work on it in the presence of other sewer/sewists.

Learn more here:< br />

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