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New Meetup: Actual Sewing - Just Us

From: Margaret
Sent on: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 8:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle American Sewing Guild Meetup Group!

What: Actual Sewing - Just Us

When: Saturday, July 3,[masked]:30 PM

Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
2230 4th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134

It's the first Saturday again, and we have the sewing tables available to us at Pacific Iron & Fabrics on 4th Avenue. I know it's summer, but with the weather we've been having, maybe you'll want an indoor activity on the weekend. If it's sunny, I may be the only one there again... : ) and I'll be getting some sewing done!

Bring a small project to work on with your machine, or maybe just some handwork you need to do. Whichever, it's more fun in the company of other people who are also working on a small project or handwork.

If you've RSVP'd with a "yes" and find you can't be there after all on the day of the event, please call my cell phone # at 206/[masked] to let me know. Otherwise I wonder what happened to you and worry a little bit.

In any case, I hope to see you there!


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