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Re: [rawfood-42] August 2 and 3 Something extra to do on the weekend

From: Marian E K.
Sent on: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 11:01 PM
I went last year and had a blast. 
This year I will be a vendor!  Come and taste my (mostly) RAW food and snacks! 
The website I have is
Hope to see some familiar faces!

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Mike <[address removed]> wrote:
There is a veggie fest 2008 (It is their third year for it) in Naperville at the grounds Science of Spirituality Center. For Saturday the hours are 11 to 6 and on sunday 11 to 4. Listed is Raw food for food available. Admission is free. Live Music, Vendors & Restaurants, Cooking demos, Info exhibits, Health talks and much more ... I had heard the veggie fest on WLS am radio most of the week with an ad. Remember it is on the grounds of the Science of Spirituality Meditation Center. The weather is looking to be better than what was predict earlier. The address is 4S 175 N. Naperville-Wheaton road Napervllie, ILL 60563
and phone is[masked] or go to for mpore information.

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