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Post UX Happy Hour (LA)

From: Kai
Sent on: Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 5:42 PM

Just a quick follow-up on last nights UX Happy Hour. There was a Lakers game and the Yard House turned into the Mad House. I didn't think about that and it was my planning oversight. In the end, we did manage to rally a group of UX'ers and we even managed to get a table.

If you are attending UX Happy Hour, please make sure to follow @uxhappyhour for last minute updates. We did post a meeting point on Twitter but I assume not everybody got that update.

For the event planners on this list, if you ever plan an event in Downtown, make sure to check the game schedule and also look out for other big events that might happen at the Staples center.

If you came out last night and we missed you, sorry about that. Hopefully we will see you at the next event.

To everybody who came out and managed to meet up, thanks for a great evening.


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