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New Meetup: Red Hook Ball Fields Latin Food: Closing Weekend 2009

From: Ike
Sent on: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 3:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group!

What: Red Hook Ball Fields Latin Food: Closing Weekend 2009

When: October 31,[masked]:00 PM

Red Hook Ball Fields
Columbia St and Bay St
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Here's your last opportunity in 2009 to get some of the best tacos, huaraches, pupusas, ceviche, sopes, papas rellenas, etc. etc. etc. in NYC! About a dozen Latin food trucks set up every weekend from May through October here, with prices ranging from $2 to $8, pay as you go. We've visited as a group four times before; hope you can join us!

This is an "open" meetup, so you're welcome to come and go as you please, though I appreciate up-to-date RSVPs, so I know who to look for! I plan to be at the ball fields from around 12 noon until about 1:30.

To travel to Red Hook by subway, take the F or G train to Smith-9th Sts. and then take a bus (more info to come) or walk about 20 min. Dave Cook's Google map shows how to walk from the station to the ball fields, and other points of interest.

There's also a free ferry to the nearby Red Hook Ikea. As far as I understand it, it's still free on weekends, and starts running at 11 a.m., but runs less frequently than it used to, but this information may be out of date as I haven't used the ferry in a while.

By car: Street parking isn't usually difficult here.

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