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New Meetup: Thursday night Korean - Getting Spicy

From: user 2.
Sent on: Monday, November 9, 2009, 9:37 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The World Food Lover's Dining Out Group!

What: Thursday night Korean - Getting Spicy

When: November 12,[masked]:30 PM

Han Bat
53 W 35th St Btwn 5th & 6th Ave
New York, NY 10001

Hello all,

This will be a small dinner at Han Bat a lovely small Korean Restaurant, located in midtown Manhattan. We will be ordering from the menu as a group and sharing the bill at the end.
Han Bat is a lesser known restaurant in K-town area with very well prepared Korean cuisine.
Our menu will include all the standards including :
Crispy Seafood Pancake
Gal bi
Bi Bim Bob
Jap Chae
and much more.

The bill should be about $35 - $40 per person not including alcohol. The restaurant does have a full range of Korean beers & sakes.

Han Bat is located at 53 W 35th Street just off Herald Square.

Learn more here:

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