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From: Dylan C.
Sent on: Saturday, March 30, 2013, 11:06 PM

If you enjoy hiking and camping, I bet you would love backpacking. There's no better time to get started. If you have a backpacking question, an idea for a practice event, or know about a good deal on some used gear, please post on the message board.

Here's my motivational post and info about how I got started:

We have several events already on the calendar and more are sure to be added soon. Some that I'm going on are:
Beginner backpacking trip - 12-miles - April 27th

Backpack Manistee River Trail - 22-miles - May 31st (This is MAC, but you can still sign up)

Backpack Pictured Rocks - 42-miles - August 24th (not open yet)


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