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New Meetup: Alki Fridays Sandlot Summer COED Softball then Beach

From: kyoni
Sent on: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 1:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Get up Get on Out!

What: Alki Fridays Sandlot Summer COED Softball then Beach

When: Friday, September 24,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Alki playground
5817 SW Lander St
Seattle, WA 98146

You snooze you lose!! Great games going on in Alki !! FREE game. !!

Looks like Friday is a Good day in the week. Lets follow the Sun. Cross your fingers.

Let's play some ball !!! Come play COED Softball till the sun goes down and relax at a bonfire.

Thank you for the 30 friends that came out to play last week!!
Lets get it bigger and better..It looks like it's nice and sunny again this week !!

We have the fields from 6-8 pm

Come join us for a FREE pick-up softball game . At the Alki Play Field #1 at 6 pm to 8 pm. Right next to the school . A short walk from Alki Beach.

We are a group of friends who play in leagues around town. We all welcome the practice and fun that softball provides. I will be holding a pickup game regularly on weekdays when we hit the summer. For the ENTIRE summer. You are more than welcome to invite people to play with us.

The more players the better the game.
We hope to make new friends who enjoy the game of softball. Come out and get some exercise. Enjoy the Seattle Sun with us. Hope to see you there. we hope the weather holds up.

Pickup Game when it's nice. Sandlot Softball on facebook.

If it's raining!!! Call the SOFTBALL HOTLINE.

1.It will tell you if the Game is on.
2.Where it is....Just in case we have to relocate
3. How many people here.

[masked]..Save this in your phones!!!

Come and enjoy the exercise.

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