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Reading And Following Meetup Event Posting Details And Instructions. Please Read!

From: Larry
Sent on: Saturday, December 19, 2015, 5:35 AM

Hi All!

Yesterday i went to a XMas JuleFrokost dinner in Absalon. I had posted it on this group as a event with a link to pay the 50Kr price of the dinner IN ADVANCE. I clearly wrote that people should pay in advance but i found out that many of you who showed up for this event had not payed in advance and were therefor denied entry to the dinner. Well now those of you who showed up and were turned away at the door and everyone else in this group should know that when i post a event with details of how to pay for that event i mean it! Please in the future if you are interested in a event i post then read the details and if you want to attend follow the instructions i post about how to pay or how to attend. When i post the details of a event i am not joking! I post those details so you can use it to attend and if you do not do what it says in the details i post it is far from sure you will be able to enter. I have been arranging Meetup events for over 9 years so i think i know how to do it by now! By the way the dinner and food was awesome last night and the 3 of us from this group who actually paid in advance and entered had a fine time and even got a couple of presents!

Oh yes and Merry XMas!

Regards, Larry the Organizer!

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