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Our Summer Outing: Visiting Spanish Wine Country

From: tom m.
Sent on: Monday, July 21, 2008, 1:33 PM
Announcing a new tour for the Wine Enthusiasts Guild!

What: Our Summer Outing: Visiting Spanish Wine Country

When: August 9,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $55.00 per member and each guest

Where: Bus tour from SF to Napa: see below

Meetup Description: Come take the ?Spanish Trail? to Copia for the most extensive tasting of American-produced Iberian grape varietals ever offered, including Tempranillo, Albarino, Garnache, Graciano, Mourvedre, Verdejo and Bastardo. These domestic delights from Arizona, California, Oregon, Texas, Washington and beyond range from crisp, refreshing whites through big, full-bodied reds to elegant ports. Don?t miss this unique opportunity to taste these delightful, food-friendly wines.

Participating Wineries include:

Abacela Vineyards
Barreto Cellars
Bokisch Vineyards
Bonny Doon Vineyard
Bray Vineyards
Callaghan Vineyards
Chateau Lorane
Clos du Bois
Coral Mustang Wines
Core Wine Co.
Fenestra Winery
James Judd & Son Vineyards
JR Storey Winery
Lange Estate Winery
Little Valley Winery
Longoria Wines
Meeker Estates
Odisea Wine Co.
Pierce Ranch Vineyards
Red Lily Vineyards
Santa Cruz Mtn Vineyard
Scribner Bend Vineyards
Six Sigma Winery LLC
St. Amant Winery
Tejada Vineyard Co
Truchard Vineyards
Twisted Oak Winery
Valley View Winery
Verdad Wine Cellars
Vina Castellano
Vina Robles

In the morning we will visit the Seguin Moreau Cooperage. You'll learn the importance of oak aging, and watch coopers making barrels the way they have for centuries. We'll observe the "toasting" of barrels, the burning of the inside of the barrel. Wineries decide how much of a toast they want on their barrels, because that makes a significant difference in the taste of the wine.

This will be followed by a visit plus lunch to three superb art galleries: Jessel Miller, Nest and newly opened Huether Studio before traveling on to Copia. Read about them here:

We'll return by 5:30 p.m.

Learn more here:

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