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New Meetup: Tasting, tour and concert at a Mid Peninsula winery

From: tom m.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 12:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for the Wine Enthusiasts Guild!

What: Tasting, tour and concert at Domenico Wines tasting room tongue

When: July 27,[masked]:00 PM

Event fee: $5.00 cover

Where: Domenico winery, San Carlos

Who should come: We've organized this outing for residents of the Peninsula and the South Bay, though all are welcome (drive across the San Mateo bridge for example)

Why: It couldn't be any more convenient for members south of SF. We also think the music and the exceptional wines make this a very special afternoon

Meetup Description: We intend to do more programs around our nine county region, not just in San Francisco. Not everyone can easily get into the City. Members are spread from Santa Rosa to San Jose and we should offer some activities for those in the 'burbs.

This is our second outing to enjoy vino splendido in, yes, a SAN CARLOS winery, while serenaded by a terrific Italian tenor, Pasquale Esposito "The Voice of Italy". Pasquale's repertoire ranges from classical opera to Neopolitan favorites like That's Amore AND...we can bring our own munchies to pair with the wines (or wine snacks are available onsite). Once inside you'll be transported back to old Napoli.

The winery: Domenico Wines, making small lots of delicious Syrah, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cab and other varieties such as Nebbiolo and Montepulciano (arrive a little early if you want to taste through all the current releases). These limited releases are quite tasty and priced sensibly, and will be avaible for sale to sip at the tables. Go to: for more info and directions.

Time: 3-6 p.m.

Member Taylor Brough will be on hand bottling his new releases made through Domenico's custom crush operation for home winemakers. He can tell the group how how he uses the owner/winemaker's own grapes. Surf over to to learn more about this program, similar to Crush Pad.

Learn more here:

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