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Gov websites and their data...

From: BetaNYC
Sent on: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 11:34 AM
Hello friends!

Spring is here and we're growing a new leaf of digital activism. As part of the NYC Transparency Working Group, we're trying to get Gov Agencies to produce website analytics. We want to see how useful these sites are AND if these sites are masking data tools that haven't made it to the City's open data portal. Sadly, there are only a few examples. 

UK.Gov (Active)
One of the best examples of Gov web analytics is in the UK. This is a very clear and concise view demonstrating what is going on at this very moment. < > (Inactive) 
Back in the day, the NY State Senate did a great job at pushing out reports that tracked activity and performance. It is a shame that the Senate has stopped producing these reports. < >

White House (Inactive)
When the White House moved to Drupal, they openly shared their stats but I can't seem to find any updates. 

Can you help add examples of Gov websites sharing their performance data?

PS - This could be as simple as Gov websites that allow for public access of their Google Stats, etc...


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