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The Wikipedia Usability Initiative is still hiring....

From: user 7.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 8:13 PM
The Wikimedia Foundation has extended the deadline for accepting  
resumes for a Software Developer position for the WikiPedia Usability  

More information can be found at the following link on the Wikimedia  


An overview of the experience requirements are:

     * Computer Science degree or equivalent work experience
     * 5+ years experience as a software developer is required
     * Experience with PHP development is required
     * Extensive experience with AJAX/HTML/CSS is required
     * Experience with cross-browser compatibility testing is required
     * Experience with security implications of JavaScript/PHP  
software is required
     * Experience with LAMP is a major plus
     * Experience with testing and analyzing usability and  
accessibility is a major plus
     * Experience with MediaWiki is a major plus
     * An understanding of internationalizing and localizing software  
products a major plus
     * Any other free/open software development experience highly  
     * Comfortable in a highly collaborative, consensus-oriented  
     * Experience with wikis and participatory production environments  
is a plus
     * Understanding of the free culture movement is a plus
     * The ideal candidate will be creative, highly motivated, and  
able to operate effectively in multiple cultural and language contexts


The salary is in the range of $75,000 to $85,000 plus benefits,  
commensurate with experience.

While preference will be given to candidates in the San Francisco  
area, remote applicants are definitely of interest.

I don't work for Wikimedia (just passing the info along).  I'd apply  
if I had anywhere close to requisite experience...I think this would  
be a wonderful opportunity to work with a super development team.

Lisa Ridley

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