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New Meetup (8/30): Cardio Hike: Apex Park (Enchanted Forest)

From: Debbie
Sent on: Friday, August 20, 2010, 8:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for THE DENVER TRAIL HEADS!

What: Cardio Hike: Apex Park (Enchanted Forest)

When: Monday, August 30,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: see description

Let's get in one more hike to Enchanted Forest after work. Enchanted Forest is a trail at Apex Park in Golden. One note, we're going on an even day so there may be a lot of bikers.

Now here's the challenge. The hike is about 5.3 miles with 1,000 feet of elev. gain. Meet at 6pm, we're leaving at 6:05pm. Sunset is 7:33pm. We need to be done by 8, so expect a fast pace, maybe a little jogging on the way out. Bring a headlamp! Read about the hike here. Expect 20-30 people since we'll have 2 groups going.

If you're late, catch up.

$1 donation requested to the organizer. ($0 if you're unemployed)

No dogs tonight, too many bikers.

JeffCo open space asks that we meet at the lower parking, not the upper lot in the NE corner of the Heritage Square parking lot. From 6th/I-70/C470, take I-70 West to exit 259, Morrison. Turn right. 1.1 miles to Heritage Road, turn left. As you come around that first turn, take a quick left onto an unsigned paved road to the parking lot. (If you see Kimball or Berthoud streets, you've gone too far. Turn around, there is a sign for Apex park in the other direction) If the lower lot is blocked by construction, then come to the upper lot at the NE corner of Heritage Square.

Questions? Email me: [address removed]
I'll send my cell number to those who RSVP by Sunday night.
Asst organizer
Read my hiking trip reports here

Hiking is risky. Every year people are hurt and killed because they go beyond their abilities, get lost, or bring the wrong gear. I spend hours researching hikes and rely on various sources, but I can't vouch for their accuracy. I am not a professional guide, you are responsible for yourself. By signing up for this hike you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your own safety and will do the necessary research to understand the conditions of this hike and the gear you require.

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