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So you want to hike a 14er?

From: Debbie
Sent on: Sunday, August 22, 2010, 10:39 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for THE DENVER TRAIL HEADS!

What: Double 14er Day: Grays & Torreys

When: Wednesday, September 1,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $2.00 per person

Where: see description

Ready to try a 14er? Let's do two! Grays & Torreys!

You don't have to have 14er experience to come on this hike, but if you've never hiked above treeline, please do that before you come on this hike. Expect a moderate pace. ***Important note*** If you need to go really slow, understand the group can not wait. For everyone's safety we need to keep a moderate pace to get off the mountains before the storms roll in. (Yes, we'll get slower and spread out near the top) Please be prepared to turn around and hike back by yourself if you don?t feel well enough or strong enough to finish this hike.

Donation: $2

Directions: From Denver, take I-70 West. Pass Georgetown about 6 miles to the Bakerville exit. Cross over the interstate and follow Stevens Gulch Road for 3.5 miles south to the trailhead. I've heard the road has been graded this year, but if you have a truck or SUV, bring it.

If you want to carpool from town, please meet at the Stegosaurus lot at I-70 and the Morrison exit. Map. Click on the green arrow. MEET AT 520, LEAVE AT 530. I will not be at the park n ride because I'll likely stay in Georgetown the night before the hike.

You must know the proper gear to even think about going on this hike: water, food, emergency kit, good boots, hat, sunscreen, etc... Hiking is risky. Every year people are hurt and killed because they go beyond their abilities, get lost, or bring the wrong gear. I spend hours researching hikes and rely on various sources, but I can't vouch for their accuracy. I am not a professional guide, you are responsible for yourself. By signing up for this hike you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your own safety and will do the necessary research to understand the conditions of this hike and the gear you require.

Read about the hike here:
My trip report

Questions? Email me: [address removed]
Asst Organizer
Denver Hiking Examiner
Read my trip reports here

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