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Post Mortem on The Social Night in Brian Boru - Gig of The Year!

From: Harry C
Sent on: Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 6:20 PM

If you missed it – God help you! You’ll be hearing about it for the next 12 months!

It was Gig of The Year – Any Year.

We rocked The Brian Boru – nearly 5 hours of non-stop music by 27 different performers.

What a night.

If you don’t believe it, here's a link to over 100 photos from the night – and

we also have videos of most of the performances available here -

Ciaran also took some AMAZING pictures on the night, you just have to look at them.

Here's a link to them.

We also raised €340 for St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks very much to everyone for that one. It was just brilliant.

So, where do we go from here.

Firstly we’re now officially on the breadline – cost us a large part of our nest egg to run the show – but I don’t think anyone is complaining at this stage. The PA system run by Mick, and Lucien our Bass player made it a night to remember. (PS Both Lucien and Mick are now converts and have joined up!)

If we are to repeat the performance later in the year we need to raise some money. So, starting from now, we’re going to collect €1 per head from everyone at all 3 MM events.

Yes, 3 nights of Music. We’re starting a trial night on Tuesday 17th May (next week) upstairs in The Bohemian in Phibsboro – right at Phibsboro cross roads. It’ll start at 7,30pm. Free Parking in local  Tesco car park after 6.30pm See the website for further details.

This is a trial. I know Tuesday doesn’t suit some people, but Wed night is overbooked most weeks so let’s try to spread it out and see how it goes.

Just a reminder – Thursday night in McGrattans seems very quite for the last few weeks. Michael was on his own last week. So it your gigs guys, if you want it to continue then please support it!

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