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Tuesday's (Tomorrow) Deep Dive - Creating Kid-Friendly Mobile Games

From: Eric Y.
Sent on: Monday, September 30, 2013, 1:01 PM
Hey NYC Gamers,
  If you haven't already, make sure to sign up for tomorrow's Carla's Deep Dive on Kid-friendly games.  (see below).  Also if you're looking for something tonight we have a great talk on where to publish your game (below).

Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM 

The children's mobile gaming market is full of opportunity... and competition. To help you find the best way to stand out in the crowd, Dr. Carla Fisher, an internationally recognized expert in children's game design, will share best practices for kid-friendly mobile games, including usability and interface design, methods and tools for identifying opportunities in the market, eBooks design guidelines, and kid-friendly marketing. Whether you're looking to make your game a little more child-friendly or developing a game specifically for kids, this session will focus on research relevant to developing for mobile apps, but the provided design guidelines will also be generalizable to all design and educational content. 

Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Join us as Stephanie Llamas, Lead Mobile Analyst at SuperData Research, walks us through what developers stand to gain from choosing one or both platforms and which platform is best for which type of developers. Stephanie will answer questions such as:
-    How much do developers profit on each platform?
-    How do genres perform on each platform?
-    How do gamers spend on iOS vs. Android?
-    What monetization models work best?


Now a word from our sponsors: 

Millennial Media is the leading independent mobile advertising platform company. We help developers focus on their core business of developing apps by providing the technology,tools and services necessary to maximize advertising revenue, acquire users for their apps and gain insights about their users. Visit mMedia.comto learn more and start monetizing and advertising your applications today.

Corona Labs is the maker of Corona SDK, a top mobile development platform. Over 200,000 developers worldwide use Corona SDK to build rich, interactive cross-platform mobile games and apps for iOS, Android, Kindle and NOOK. Using Corona SDK, you can develop world-class apps in a fraction of the time. Learn more and download a free, unlimited trial of Corona SDK at  

The Law Offices of Christopher G. Reid helps game companies of all sizes with the full range of legal issues from incorporation to contract negotiation, development agreements, IP rights management and protection. Chris is a lifelong gamer and veteran IP attorney putting his skills to work for development community. Have a quick question and want to work with true experts in the field? Contact Chris for a free consultation about your legal needs and find out how his flexible pricing and dedication to clients will help you keep your focus on making great games. 

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