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From: Rex and Lisa B.
Sent on: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 11:07 AM
Is everyone ready for another Potuck Meetup on Lake Travis? It will once again be at our home in Spicewood on Lake Travis on Saturday, May 30th. For those who missed it last year, we have large fenced acreage on the lake with lots of trees for shade. We always have great food and great fun. So here's the scoop for those of you who are new. We'll provide coolers with water and ice, and serve hot dogs with all the fixin's. Everyone else needs to bring beverages of your choice and a side dish such as salads/casseroles, appetizers or desserts to share. If you want to bring other meats to grill, please feel free to do so. We will also provide poop bags and ask that you pick up after your pet or anyone else's you see. You absolutely MUST RSVP to this meetup one way or the other since this is at our home and so that everyone will know what foods are being brought. We also ask that when you RSVP, PLEASE LIST IN YOUR RSVP WHAT FOOD YOU WILL BRING so we can have a variety and we don't end upwith everyone bringing the same type of food, such as all desserts.

OTHER ITEMS YOU'LL NEED TO BRING: lawn/beach chairs so there will be enough seating, swimsuits/towels if you want to take a dip (the water should be warm by then), toys/floats for you and your puppy dogs, shoes that you don't mind getting muddy since it tends to get muddy down by the water.


DIRECTIONS: Head west on Hwy 71 about 18 miles past the intersection of Hwy 620 and Hwy 71. Look for the Mueller Metals Building with the orange roof. As you pass that you will see a blinking yellow light and Exxon/Spicewood General Store on the corner. Turn right at blinking ligt on SPUR 191. Go about 1 mile and you'll cross over Cypress Creek. You will see a sign for County Road 410 straight ahead. Continue on that about 2 miles. CR 410 makes a large curve to the right and then a large curve to the left. After the left curve, go about 3/10 of a mile & you'll see a red fire hydrant and the sign for County Road 421. You can only turn right onto 421. Go one mile down and we are on the left - green stucco/stone home with bronze metal roof. Look for the unique gates. Please park along the street rather than on the property. If you come by boat (we have a dock you can tie up to) we are between the 47 and 48 mile markers on the lake. Call[masked] (cell) or[masked] (home) if you get lost but we will have signs. Once you take that first turn off Hwy 71, it is exactly 4 miles to our house. Check the website frequently for reminders/updates and to see what all the potluck's will be.

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