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From: Rex and Lisa B.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2009, 6:21 PM
We've been thinking of having t-shirts made for our meetup group. We thought we might have some pretty creative members in our group that would like to submit designs for the t-shirt. Even if you don't draw, you might think of something clever to say on the t-shirt. If you're interested in submitting a drawing or wording for the shirt, please email your submission to us at [address removed] by June 30th. Then we'll put out a poll and let everyone see all the designs and vote. Once we choose a design, we will see how many members would like to order the shirt and get estimates on cost. Pricing usually depends on number of colors used in the printing and amount of the order. A couple of our members have some connections with t-shirt printers so we can get good pricing on the shirts. So start those creative juices flowing and get those designs submitted by June 30th.

Rex and Lisa

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