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New Meetup: Roaring Plains Trail Maintenance and Party!

From: Jim N.
Sent on: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 8:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Baltimore Hiking Meetup Group!

What: Roaring Plains Trail Maintenance and Party!

When: Saturday, June 5,[masked]:00 PM

Timonium Park and Ride
Deereco Rd.
Timonium, MD 21093

Roaring Plains is the newest Wilderness Area and my personal favorite as I have spent a lot of great time up there in the sky....the highest part of the eastern continental divide in our area! We will be helping the Monongahela National Forest Service do maintenance cutting back the growth and enjoying some of the finest views in the Mid-atlantic area! Since we will be working hard, that means we will play hard on saturday night as the forest service has reserved Laneville Cabin for our use, but bring a tent anyway as this is a very popular trip....and for good reason and the cabin sleeps 12 and 20 have already signed up! This trip is cross posted from Washington Backpackers Meetup Group, but I got the green light to add more. If you have never been in this area before, this is a place you will never forget as you will be looking DOWN on Dolly Sods from nearly a 1000' higher up. We will walk Roaring Plains Trail cutting back the growth along its 6 mile length, then go back to Laneville Cabin to make a great meal such as turkey and mashed potatoes, or steak over a fire and enjoy the night, then take a great hike across the top Sunday to enjoy the outstanding views...oh and if it's hot, Red Creek is next to the cabin to take a dip in!

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